Free Gift Cards

Here are some reward sites that you can use, to earn giftcards, cash, etc! This is great if you want to get a free premium membership on Fantage! (Or to purchase gold.)


Swagbucks is a website very similar to GiftHulk. (You can do surveys, watch things, etc, to get giftcards.) Unfortunately, you can’t get Fantage gamecards and Karma Koin cards directly, however you can just get a visa card and use that money for membership and/or gold! (In addition, you’ll have money left over depending on the card you get, which is pretty sweet.) I actually got a premium membership by using this website! Here I’ll show you easy way to get swagbucks.

Daily Poll

By just voting on these pointless polls, you can easily get 1 swagbuck a day! But of course, this isn’t the only way to get swagbucks. It’s just there if you want to get an extra swagbuck of the day.

NOSO (Known as Daily Offers now)

Usually there are no offers available for my country, so I end up just getting two easy swagbucks by clicking it! 🙂 But these offers you don’t have to sign up or anything, which is amazing.

Daily Crave

All you have to do is browse through the videos presented to you, and after awhile you’ll get another easy swagbuck!

Download the Swagbutton

Don’t worry, I downloaded it. There’s no viruses for sure. After all, it is just a chrome extension. (Only available on Google Chrome, I believe.) Basically they’ll tell you when swagcodes are available and where to find them! When you enter a swagcode, you can usually get around four to two swagbucks. Some codes can only be used if you have the swagbutton extension, so it’s a great thing to have!

Do Simple Offers Shown in Your Mailbox

Sometimes there will be these offers that will give you only two swagbucks. All you have to do is click on the link and you’ll get the swagbuck. It’s that simple, don’t even read the article- just click on the link then exit out of it and watch as your swagbuck amount increase.

Watch Videos Using the Swagbuck App

If you have a mobile device, this is for you! Download the swagbuck app, play videos and don’t even watch them. Just have the device plugged in so that it’s recharged, and play the videos. Do something else while this happens, and once you come back to your mobile device you’ll notice that you’ll have some more swagbucks. 🙂

Make Swagbucks Search Your Default Search Engine

Honestly the best way to get Swagbucks, this is how I got my membership under a month. I mean, we all use the google search pretty often. So imagine searching things and getting paid doing so as well! Pretty sweet, huh!? Some days I’d get 50 swagbucks a day, while at the least I’d get 20. Unfortunately the search engine is pretty crappy compared to google, so if you have a complex question I’d suggest literally searching up google, for a chance of getting some swagbucks of the day. (You have no idea how many swagbucks I got when I was searching for google, haha.)

So as you can see, there are a lot of ways to get Swagbucks! This is honestly personally my favourite rewards website. Click here to go there now!


This is probably one of the most safe application to use! Unfortunately, you need a phone or a tablet, but I bet most people nowadays has one of those. App supports both android and iOS. (Sorry if you don’t have either of them!) By the way, this is all used on your phone, not on a computer. You earn Nanas (currency) by one method… Downloading Apps! That’s right everyone, you can easily earn gift cards just by downloading apps! I’ve earned around ten dollars paypal cash so far.

Along with Swagbucks, you can’t exactly get a Fantage game card or Karma Koin, but you can get paypal cash to buy membership with. You also can get itunes gift cards, if you’re into that.

You can find the official website over here. (Can’t make money using it though, just basic information.)

My Invite Code (We’ll both get 2,500 Nanas): s780963 (By the way, you can only register a code once you get a certain amount of Nanas!)

How it works is that companies sponsor the company for them to display their app for more people to see it, ultimately playing it and possibly buying in game stuff or watching advertisements. Smart technique for people to know your app exists!


A really popular one in the blogging community. It’s just like every other reward site, you can do surveys, download apps, watch, etc! There’s one feature that makes GiftHulk really unique, and that’s the levels and the Guess the Card game!

My invite code, please use: AT660535

Basically in GiftHulk there are five different levels, Bronze (when you start), Silver (after earning 1,000 hulk coins), Gold (after earning 10,000 hulk coins or inviting 10 users), Platnium (25,000 hulk coins or inviting 25 users) and finally, Diamond which is earned after getting 50,000 hulk coins or inviting 50 users, and you instantly get a ten dollar gift card when you reach Diamond status!

Guess the card is a game that you can play daily where you basically, guess the card! You’re given three options, guess the exact card (win 50 hulk coins), guess the rank (win 10 hulk coins) and guess the suit (win 4 hulk coins.) I hate making huge risks, so I usually guess the suit. When you’re bronze, you have 5 chances daily. But once you reach silver, you get 10, gold you get 20, platinum you get 40, and finally if you’re diamond you have 60 chances! Those are huge, I tell you. It’s one of the most unique daily reward rewards! (If that makes sense.)

Sometimes when you play Guess the card, you’re given a Fountain of Youth code. It’s just a code that you can use and give others for them to get extra hulk coins. Personally I’ve never gotten it, but it appears that a lot of people have gotten it.

Anyways, do I believe that it’s a great reward system? Well personally it doesn’t give you as much as other reward sites, and the only thing that makes this special is as said above. I think it’s better than a lot of other free reward sites, but it’s not the absolute best. So go ahead, give it a try! It’d take you a long time though to actually get your desired gift card.

  1. the anon eeeeeee mouse

    you sure this works mate?
    no viruses or access to ads/hackers


    • some of the things you do on each website might lead to viruses, but if you are smart about it, you won’t get any :U
      things I recommend:
      -don’t reveal real information with surveys
      -don’t sign up for promotions
      -install apps, and immediately delete them after getting money
      -don’t do anything that asks for credit card info
      -do simple polls
      -use the search engine


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